Conference Day Two - Thursday, 5 September

Welcome coffee
Opening remarks from the Chair

Margie Thomson
Chief Executive Officer
Cement Industry Federation

Ministerial address: Supporting and encouraging local industry and onshore manufacturing as they transition to low or no carbon emissions

Hon Tim Ayres
Assistant Minister for Trade; Assistant Minister for Manufacturing
Australian Senate

Sourcing reliable low carbon energy
Securing energy for the National Electricity Market’s largest connected load
  • Contracting what could be Australia’s largest renewable energy power purchase agreement
  • Tomago Aluminium’s approach to procuring electricity in a transitioning market

Andrew Newman
CFO and Company Secretary
Tomago Aluminium

Providing a decarbonisation pathway through Renewable Gas
  • Scaling up production to have a meaningful impact on the carbon profile of industrial users
  • Spurring the development of a Renewable Gas sector through supportive policy
  • Encouraging cross-sector partnership to stimulate a Renewable Gas market

Suzie Jakobovits
General Manager Renewable Gas

How do you reduce emissions from the state's largest domestic cement manufacturing facility?
  • How Boral is leveraging technologies which can decarbonise cement making processes
  • The practical realities of implementing net zero technology – what does ‘success’ look like?
  • Securing reliable low-carbon energy for energy intensive processes
  • Reducing embodied carbon by partially replacing Portland cement with lower carbon cementitious materials

Ali Nezhad
Head of Sustainability and Innovation

Morning tea
Policy to foster net zero and protect onshore manufacturing and industry
Addressing embodied carbon in imports and exports
  • Establishing a level playing field on carbon for industrial products in Australian and global markets
  • Assessing (and actioning) Australia’s options in the Carbon Leakage Review: Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)? Financial support? Product standards? Treaties?
  • How will the EU CBAM impact Australian exporters in 2026 (and UK in 2027, or the proposed USA Clean Competition Act (CCA)?

Tennant Reed
Director – Climate Change and Energy
Australian Industry Group (Ai Group)

How will Australia’s carbon market influence decarbonisation?
  • What role does Australia’s carbon price and climate policy framework play in setting decarbonisation expectations?
  • How will the design of policy inform industrial decarbonisation pathways?
  • What role will external abatement play, e.g. via the use of carbon offsets?
  • Not all carbon offsets are created equal. What do large companies need to consider?
  • What is Australia’s current carbon price?
  • What will drive Australia’s carbon price over the next 5-10 years?

Anton Firth
Director, Research
RepuTex Energy

PANEL DISCUSSION: How will recent energy policy impact heavy industry and manufacturers?
  • How will the Capacity Investment Scheme (CIS) and withdrawal of Renewable Energy Target change energy supply?
  • What are the opportunities of ‘Future Made in Australia Act’ to empower growth on net zero manufacturing and industry?
  • What policy would form the basis of an enduring framework that can adapt over time including the infrastructure and clean energy to power new growth?
  • How will the Net Zero Economy Agency protect Australian industry and manufacturing as the costs of decarbonisation bite into profits and viability?


Emma Aisbett
Associate Professor, School of Law and Associate Director (Research) Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific Grand Challenge
Australian National University (ANU)


Tennant Reed
Director – Climate Change and Energy
Australian Industry Group (Ai Group)

Beth Mitchell
Head of Engagement
Beyond Zero Emissions

Tats Kato
Head of Project Origination (ESG, Decarbonisation & Energy Transition)
Sojitz Corporation

Building credibility and recognition of meaningful carbon reductions
Meeting climate commitments without carbon offsets

Interface will focus its efforts on direct carbon reduction and carbon storage innovation projects to meet its ambitious environmental sustainability goals that include:

  • Achieving 2030 targets validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to halve absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions, to halve absolute Scope 3 emissions from purchased goods and services, and to reduce business travel and employee commuting emissions by 30%, all from a 2019 baseline year
  • Reimagining product development and manufacturing to drive carbon reduction and storage
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of products through manufacturing and raw material innovations and increasing product recycled and bio-based content
  • Identifying and driving commercial adoption of circular models across all product categories
  • Inspiring industry to join in, making a bigger impact through collective action focused on absolute carbon reduction

Aidan Mullan
Sustainability Manager
Interface Australia & New Zealand

PANEL DISCUSSION: How should industries and manufacturing address carbon standards and certifications to increase credibility and accountability?
  • How do we avoid the ‘electrical equipment working out front (charged by a diesel generator around the back)’ scenarios?
  • How can recognised definitions and standards be implemented so consumers and advocacy groups can be sure that claims are rigorous, verifiable and trustworthy?
  • Who should be setting carbon emission frameworks – international bodies, Australian regulators, or industry associations?


Michael Kilgariff
Chief Executive Officer
Cement, Concrete and Aggregates Australia (CCAA)


Kulbir Dhanda
Research and Development

Aidan Mullan
Sustainability Manager
Interface Australia & New Zealand

Andrew Newman
CFO and Company Secretary
Tomago Aluminium

Emma Aisbett
Associate Professor, School of Law and Associate Director (Research) Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific Grand Challenge
Australian National University (ANU)

Cyril Giraud
Head of Sustainability
Holcim Australia

Bringing the whole business and procurement chain on the net zero journey
Developing new decarbonisation technology across all aspects of a heavy industry business
  • Addressing the magnitude of emissions from cement manufacture including alternate fuels, mineral addition optimisation and carbon capture leading to green methanol production
  • How low carbon concrete mixes can be produced today which are fully compliant with Codes & Standards
  • A Carbon Road Map - as seen by Cement Australia

Olivia Alexis
Technical Product Specialist
Cement Australia

Afternoon tea
Prioritising the steps in a net zero strategy to bring the whole organisation on the journey
  • Creating a culture of sharing information on ‘wins’ so they can be duplicated
  • Ensuring solid governance around sustainability that is not linked to the specifics of individuals sites (eg renewable electricity is readily available in Australia, much harder to source in Japan)
  • Committing to funding projects CAPEX projects that may have very long timelines to a justifiable ROI

Damon Tweedie
Head of Sustainability

PANEL DISCUSSION: How do you get buy-in for whole of business transformation from internal and external stakeholders?
  • What are effective tools and channels for educating internal and external stakeholders to ensure everyone understands the importance and feasibility of the transition (building carbon literacy)?
  • How do you build trust and credibility with both internal and external stakeholders during a business transformation?
  • What are the best ways to demonstrate tangible progress towards achieving net zero goals?


Eric Kimmel
Program Manager, New Low Carbon Industrial Foundations
NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW)


Justin Merrell
Group Sustainability Director
Lion Co

Amanda Robertson
Head of Sustainability (Oceania)
Nestlé Oceania

Chau Le
General Manager, E-Mobility
Origin Zero

Closing remarks from the Chair
End of day two and close of Industrial Net Zero 2024